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Tarot - Blocked Future

Blocked Future

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The Queen of Cups is a very caring and compassionate person but she knows that it is possible to care too much. You need to be well aware of the power of emotions and how they can cloud reality. While being in tune with your emotions is beneficial, it is also important to think rationally and logically about matters.


The Chariot reminds us that sometimes life seems to be like a race or competition. However, many people do not like to lose and will attempt to win the race at any cost. While the victor may gain the spoils, the wise person makes sure that the spoils are worth the cost. To prevent yourself from losing more than you gain, you must find a way to control your emotions.


The King of Cups represents a person who holds wisdom and control over his emotions through a lifetime of experience. While often it represents a real person in your life that is influencing you, in the past position this card is often an indication that it is time to examine your past experiences so you can better be aware of your strengths and weaknesses.


Knight of Wands is generally a positive card as being knighted is considered a high honour that only the most deserving received. You must have enough maturity to realize that this card does not mean that a knight in shining armour is going to swoop down and solve all your problems. Be prepared to have to earn your happiness. The fact that this card appears in a future position is a sign that your hard work will pay off eventually.

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