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Tarot - Mystic Seven

Mystic Seven

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Your current situation

The Five of Swords can be interpreted as either retreat or as conquest. As a conquest card, this card represents winning a battle against the odds. The battle is a metaphor for any of life's many struggles. If the card is being interpreted as representing retreat, then the card is all about accepting your limitations.

What is in your way

The Three of Pentacles represents the craftsman. In the blockage position, this is an indication that while you are busy doing all the work, your co-workers are taking all of the credit. If you want to get the benefits that you have earned then those who matter should know who is doing the work.

What you are hoping to achieve

The Two of Swords is a possible warning that some of your goals are not realistic. For a goal to be realistic, it has to be substantially based on the truth. The Two of Swords hints that you may be in denial about something. While pretending things are different can be a good coping mechanism, it can lead you down the wrong path. Have confidence in your abilities and try to choose the right path.

What is influencing your efforts

With the Star influencing you, success is likely to be ahead. The key is to trust in yourself and your judgement. Do not constantly second guess yourself. Remember that a wrong decision is often better than no decision at all.

Past influences

She Six of Cups represents innocence and childhood. In the past position it reflects your nostalgia. Take a look back at the good times you have had as this card it telling you that you need to listen more to your inner child.

The near future

The Nine of Wands in the future position presents you with a very simple message. If you persevere you can succeed at what you are trying to accomplish. The strength necessary to continue with your struggles can be gained through self-awareness.

Potential outcome

Eight of Pentacles in the future position is an indication that your perseverance and attention to detail has made you a master of your craft. Just make sure that there is enough time for your own needs.

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